Why you should stop using filler word

want to have better conversation??

Mengan Yang
2 min readJul 3, 2020
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

are you REALLLY sure, your thoughts in your brain your statement/ your speech could deliver to others effectively/precisely? or maybe you are just talking a bunch of stuff, and people only get 40 percent of what you mean, they even pretend they know it hahahaha

after you read my article, you will have less problem with effective conversation

what are the filler word??

in english :

Just, kind of, sort of , basically, i know you know , so ummm, i mean

in russian:

Как бы, как его, так вот, короче, как сказать, типа, вообще, вот, то есть, это, это самое, блин, ну, ну это, блин, походу, прикинь, как-то так etc🤣

why these words are bad?

reason 1: it get people confused

for example: i kind of like to have sex.

and you will be like : “so kind of is how much?? like you like half sex?? and what is having half sex??? or do you mean you sometimes like to have sex, sometimes dont like??

it’s better to say: “ i sometimes like to have sex, depends on my mood”

reason 2: weaken your message

woman: i mean, i kinda, you know, want to have sex with you now may i ?

men: “ okay so you wanna fuck me or not?”

woman(really want to): “kinda

men: “…”

it would sound way more confident if you directly say: “ i REALLY want to have sex with you NOW may i ?”

my arguments to those people who think filler words are meaningful

supporter of filler word: “i think filler word is useful, for example, its awkward when its silence

my argument: “we should not feel awkward/uncomfortable if we have silence during our conversation, after all conversation is a tool for boosting/maintaining relationship, why do we need to talk unnecessary word?”

supporter of filler word: “everyone is using it, its acceptable”

my arguments: “KFC, porn, cigarrate are the thing that most of the people love, but are they really healthy/valuable? most of the people doing it doesnt mean its good!”

your message will be more powerful if you use your words more precisely

filler self-introduction of myself: “ yooo im eric, im kind of a person who is anti social, because ummm, you know i think most of the people dont introspect themselves, so they are sort of allowing the mistake continue. this is basically about me

without filler: “ yooo im eric, im a person who is anti social, because i think most of the people dont introspect themselves, so they are allowing the mistake continue.”



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