why we could watch 2 hours of boring movie ,but not 2 hours of interesting books?
what is the last time you could focus on reading books for 2 hours straight?
is it true that most of the people nowadays dont have time for reading books for 2 hours? but you have time to watch TV/ youtube/ Netflix for sooo long? what is the purpose for us to watch movie and read books?
after you read my article, you would challenge more of your decision of doing hobbies.
what are the purposes for us to read/watch book/movie?
@1 just to chill,filled up time, feel bored @2 learning
can we achieve more purpose other than chilling?
most of the people read/watch book/movie just for chilling, like my parents, just like most of the people who are not being ambitious and dont have too much goal in their life.
but life is more than just to survive in 2020, otherwise why would people spent so much of energy on making movies? yes i know people want to earn money, but most of the people who make extraordinary movies and books are those who are curious about life, ambitious and creative.
and if author’s/director’s books and movies are the representation of their curiosity, focus, creativity. shouldnt we pay more attention on reading it? those movies and books read by us, are only worthy for us to “ spend our time”?
hell no! even though i cannot say what exactly our life purpose is, but i think one of the most possible answer is for us to explore, to learn, to be enlightened, and by doing this we need to use our brain to think deep about what does the author trying to tell us in this book or movie, instead of just reading or watching it like dogs.
why we have the focus of watching 2 hours of boring movie ,but not 2 hours of interesting books?
BECAUSE THIS IS A MISCONCEPTION! actually when we watch movie we give the least focus on a single thing, lets take watching movie for example: are you focusing on script? or the expression of people?? or the hidden meaning that director trying to deliver? or actually, very likely, we are focusing on everything: subtitles, audios, emotions, visual effects.
this concept of focusing on everything its like the picture below, very likely, even though we are trying so hard to focus on everyone, the attention we are giving each of them, are being divided into super small pieces.
therefore, very likely, whenever we are watching movies our brain was being consumed by so many things, so it’s easier for our brain to relax, to stop functioning.
as for reading books, there are less distractions, only texts and some pictures, therefore we could pay more attention on our thoughts, and the thoughts that author was trying to deliver, so we are using our brain to think and spending high attention and energy on arranging new information to ourselves. so we might not have the focus to read books 2 hours like we watch movies, but it’s complexity alright!! because only 30 minutes, we have already give more focus on the most meaningful purpose of reading and watching — absorb new information(input) and arrange by our brain(output).
why watching movies is wasting time for people who is looking for self-improvement?
because we cannot stop the video and think, here are three main reasons we cannot stop
@1 because very likely we won’t stop the video when we feel like we are going to “be enlightened”,
@2 because either we are watching movie with our friend, we would feel awkward if we stop it,
@3 we simply cannot stop the movie if we are in the theater, or we don’t have the habit to stop the movie.
stop. is one of the most important thing, we intentionally stop acting because we want to give our brain to think about and arrange the information we just absorbed.we intentionally stop thinking because we want to stop overthinking and rest our brain.
without the management of our brain, when to work, when to rest, self-improvement would be inefficient. it works the same as, when our brain is energetic and healthy, but we are lazy to work . and when our brain is truly exhausted, we were being forced to work by our boss or teacher.
boring/interesting movie/book really boring/interesting?
do you sometimes think our dating partner, our classmate/colleague or friend is being too quiet?? they are so boring? or maybe you are the boring one who dont know how to ask good question to prompt the interesting response from them? maybe you decided to use a boring angle to view them? or maybe you haven't fully understand them but your judge them too quick.
it works the same as books/movies, sometimes we only read 8 pages of books then judge this book is boring, but maybe it’s because our inability to understand the book. or let’s say watching movies for 30 minutes, we then conclude the plots of this movie is too slow, therefore not interesting, but very likely you are not patient enough to wait the author/ director to enlighten you at the end of the movie.
if watching a “boring” movie can make you contemplate “why this movie is so boring”, then this movie is still very worthwhile you watch.
in conclusion
@1 contemplate what do you want to achieve in your life, if you don’t want to achieve anything big, creative, meaningful . the. go ahead, watch movies like most of the elders do after they retire.
@2 we should be selfish to give our focus, again only if we were to achieve big, creative, meaningful, otherwise there will be so many things in our lives like voices and visualization in the movie that would block our way to achieve enlightenment.
@ 3 it’s not common to hear advices from people that “ we should refuse more” right? it’s the same as “stop doing things” and do the most important and relevant things to our goal.
@4 if you spend enough energy nothing would be boring, often we give up too quick. maybe you haven’t read the last chapter of the book, maybe you miss the most important part of the movie when you go to toilet or opening new package of chips.
202007 eric(naruto) krasnoyarsk