why russian government is unfriendly to people?
having trouble with government? i have a easy solution
storybackground: im eric, i want to help naruto to friendalize people, at the moment i am a nomad in russia, facing with unfriendliness from russia government/officer/authorities
have you ever being shouted by people make you feel super uncomfortable? have you ever feel like the person who was talking to you is son of a bitch?
after you read my article, i guarantee, you would love these motherfuckers more:))
the occasion that i receive unfriendliness?
i have already elaborate about my experience about unfriendliness from russian on medium , but to tell it real quick. a lot of situations russian government/officer shouted at me when my russian was bad. secondly, they are pretty passive about my problems/questions. thirdly, they ignore my questions and my heart of trying to maintaining conversation with them , they just face down to their table.
maybe it was all my problem, other people dont have unfriendliness from russian government ?
even though its very hard to conclude that i am the trouble maker that make them impolite, unfriendly to me, you could even say i have too much of ego and self-esteem.
so i decided to ask my partner about her attitude/opinion towards my experience — i sent her my article about unfriendliness from russian on medium. this is her response…
женя’s response
As for your experience, I’m so sorry all of these stories happened to you. You don’t deserve to be treated like that 😔 I want you to know it’s not about you at all, pretty similar stories happened to me and other Russians I know many times. Government workers (and universities and hospitals employers are government workers) are super rude to everyone everywhere most of the time. It’s hard to understand why but I like the theory that the system is built in the way that attracts that rude type of people and cultivate their anger while refusing kind and polite people who can’t survive and succeed in a toxic environment of the government institutions
my opinion towards her response
i felt so warm, i felt like there is a person who could empathize my situation. i also feel so surprised that this situation even happened to her(женя), женя is one of the most friendly and helpful person i have ever met, she was a journalist and now a hostel boss in sainkt-peterpurg, and why providing this important is because she isnt just like a person like me who dont speak russian well, unlike me who has low social status, she is even a not a foreigner.
my response towards her response: “ theory that the system is built in the way that attracts that rude type of people and cultivate their anger while refusing kind”
what i agree with her: government do have a lot proportion of unfriendly, egotistic, impolite people
what i disagree with her:i dont think people is intentionally trying to refuse kind. i think i better way to describe the government is that most of the government worker are old people, now i am not disliking old people, my grandma is 94, i also received so many help from old people. but usually old people are less educated, less sociable, less open-minded than young people, and of course their ego are very likely to be bigger than young generation.
so what should we do? should we just complain about government like everyone could do but without doing actual method to improve situation?
i used to be a person who only complains without actually apply my better solution into practice, but im thankful right now i believe myself, by sharing the concept i am going to do later would give the new generation(0–24) more perspective to be more openminded and more friendly.
number1: these closeminded/unfriendly people was being shaped by their environment/history, their parent as well, maybe this is how they were being treated and educated, they really dont know how to be friendly to stranger.
number2: we also have the same problem! not only government people or closeminded people treat people unfriendly, even people who are openminded could give unfriendliness to people too, when we are unable to control our ego.
number3: there is no such thing as your life, my life, eric’s life our reader’s life, its our life, humanity life, our universe life, and specifically for human beings, we are all experiencing evolution, the process of learning how to delete our ego, incorporate our self into whole universe, so we should not be too harsh or blame government, or closeminded people, when we are all from the same consciousness/universe.