Why night club is for immature people?
do you have some uncomfortable experience in night club?
Why most of the adults like less night club than most of the teenagers ? Have you ever feel unhappy when you are supposed to be happier in night club ?
After you read my article, you will start to challenge your goal about going to night clubs.
Storybackgound: I AM eric, and I have never been to nightclubs, main reason is because I come from a strict, high education family and Asian country.
What are the reasons that people love night clubs?
@1 loud and nice music @2 alcohol @3 spend time with old friend especially dancing @4 make new friends @5 find fuckers ( people who want to fuck )
Why most of the mature adults like less night club than most of the immature teenagers ?
We need to first understand what are the characteristics night clubs have that attract people. And understand that, to some degree, maturity has a positive correlation with ages.
@1 loud and nice music: mature adults don’t like loud music because it would disturb their brain thinking and mature adults focus more on having a conversation by keeping their brain clear instead of letting loud music taking over their brain. As for nice music,this is just the irrational arguments that immature people provide, because you could have nice music anywhere nowadays, even on the airplane or space.
@2 alcohol: NOw THis is a tricky topic, because there are still a lot of people believe alcohol is bad for health, but also a lot of people think is good for health, also some people believe alcohol can only do a little harm to our health but increase creativity and courage. So I will have to use a different perspective to convince you that one of the reason why immature people like alcohol.
Number one, immature people can’t control the proportion of drinking alcohol, immature people mostly claim that “ they want to have more fun, they want to get fucked up, they want to lose themselves”. But isn’t this is a sign of being irresponsible for themselves? Number two, we can drink alcohol at home with friends, we must GO to night club for drinking it’s just a limitation.
@3 spend time WIth old friend especially dancing: the more we mature, the more we are more open minded, the less restriction we will have, therefore, again, it’s not necessarily to go to night club for spending time with old friend.
As for dancing, it might make sense with a lot of people, even with relatively open minded people, but the truth is you dance with any person you want,at any places, on the street just like I did
@4 make new friends: mature people could make friends at company, at school, at gym, at restaurant, on the street, we just have to practice. most of the immature people think night club or party is the most easiest way and the ONLY way we could make friends, then the chances for us to make friends would be significantly decrease, in another words, it’s a limitation that we have to go to some places in order to to specific things.
@5 find fuckers( people who want to fuck): for immature people, for most of the people, night clubs is a instrument like tinder to find horny people, even though I’ve never been to night clubs before, but I could imagine that immature people who go to night clubs on Friday night after 4 days of exhausting school and work, trying to escape tiring things, forget every unpleasant things, just want to get fucked.
but what mature people, 1 percent of the people do, is to challenge themselves, lose themselves in a healthier way, enjoying the moment without losing the perspective of caring about the future. they do Meditation, or simply just try to find fuckers on the street, using a more creative way, or a more caring about people’s heart way instead of just pick up people who is drunk.
True personal example that my friend doesn’t enjoy nightclub
My friend Harry told me that he enjoyed most part of the parties and night club, but he felt lost, and don’t understand his feeling.
I asked : “since YOu don’t understand your feeling and I’ve never been to a party or nightclub , may I ask you , could you describe the experience that made you feel lost?”
Harry: “uSually I just grab a bear, staying with my old friend, old friend would introduce their other friend to me, we would introduce ourselves to one another, and maybe I would dance sometimes if most of the people is dancing.”
Me: “what’s the content of the conversation would you have with these new people? And would you still dance if little people is dancing?”
Harry: “I Don’t know, I forgot… like, we usually just tell which grade we are, our name, and talk about how suck school is, as for dancing, yeah I would feel awkward if i dance when none of my friend is dancing.”
Me: “ do YOu agree with me if I said, “ you were just having quick shallow conversation with a lot of new people, but you rarely form a deep conversation with a person, it’s just like a bunch of people keep introducing themselves, but people ain’t pay too much attention on one another, ain’t curious about the background, the dream, hobby, thoughts that people have. As for dancing, maybe you don’t enjoy dancing Harry, maybe you just feel like you have to do the same thing as most of the people do, but your heart and brain don’t feel like want it, let’s why you feel lost.”
Harry: “ holly shit, AGREE”
In conclusion
@1 the path leading to maturity and open mindedness is to reduce limitation like you have no choice but to go to night clubs in order to drink, have fun, lose yourself, and fuck.
@2 ask ourselves: “are there some parts of the experiences that I don’t Like about?” Could we improve the situation? Maybe we should change our old habit into new habit to make our life better?
@3 the more limitation, the more close minded we are the unhappier we are, so start to throw these concepts away “ i need this in order to do…” “i must do this before i do this”
202007 eric(naruto) kemerovo