what’s obvious/easy/boring to you may not be the next person
you dont know you beautiful!
have you ever wanted to give up because your environment/friend/teacher said you are suck, your plan your thoughts are not worthwhile?? if so, high five, i encounter this all the time:))
after reading my article, you will have more confidence on believing yourself.
storybackground: i am eric, i didnt have high school diploma and dont want to have, dropped out of university, parents and brother have high diploma/degree. conflict with my family all the time because i want to have a different life from them.
my parent always said: “eric, stop being narcissistic, only parent will read your work, your work is boring to other people”
@1 my response about parents call me narcissistic:
it is understandable that my parent think i overvalue my dedication about self-education and self-improvement from internet.because they dont know how lucky they are,how good our educational background is, how many people lacking of stable internet, lacking of resources, they have no idea how wealthy they are compare to others, especially constantly think everyone is as hardworking and as loving to learn as they do…
@2 my response about parents think my work is not interesting to people except them:
ever since i started to make youtube, nearly every week they would remind me, even ridicule me “eric there are only 16 people watch your video” therefore they draw the conclusion that my videos are meaningless and not interesting.
my mom sometimes even say: “we watch your video, is because we pity you, its because we have blood relationship”.
of course i am not blind that there are super little views on my youtube, but why i am not worrying about my parent’s criticism?
because they are only using their generation standpoint to value my work about “new way of educating ourselves is to quit school and learn from stranger and internet”, indeed i put myself in my parent’s shoe, even every of the person from previous generation, my videos indeed are not interesting for them, afterall, who needs to interact with stranger, when everything could be done by ourselves? why dropping out of school when diploma is the only thing that employer would recognized?
but in the bigger picture, in reality, i know there are so many people who are suffered from poor education from traditional school/university, and this perspective is exactly what my parents are lacking of!
stop generalization
have we ever encounter similar situation like this??
“ohh my boyfriend dont like my dress, im gonna be ugly tomorrow”
“ahhh my teacher gives me a C minus, im so bad at math”
“pff my parents thinks my business plan is not going to succeed”
but in fact, a lot of our classmate/neighbor, colleagues would like the thing that we do if we shared with them. and even 90 percent of people across all over the earth, across 13 time zones.
because very likely the resources and knowledge that we have, might not be accessible to other countries. because very likely the enlightenment that you have might be obvious to the people same age as us, but to the kids or elders. because our big dream is impossible for 99 percent of the people except us, because we are standing at a giant’s shoulder.
in conclusion
@ 1:in order to estimate our ability and the prosperity of our plan/dream, we have to be objective when receiving others criticism/opinion, in another words, we have to put ourselves in others shoe, and think “what are the advantages that i have which people with different background and perception dont have?”
@ 2:nearly every of our generalization is wrong, the criticism or compliment you receive from 100 people of your surrounding cannot determine the truth.
@3 quoted by one direction “you dont know you beautiful”
202007 by eric(naruto) tyumen