Watching Youtube is as bad as Watching Porn
fresh method for self- development
story background: in this phrase of my life, i have been trying to quit porn, and masturbate, i even want to quit my hobby “masturbating with girl on video chat”.
prerequisite: readers are agreeing with me that watching porn is not helpful for motivating us to get real sex, for people who are not ambitious about getting real sex, you might not resonate with me( please tell me if im wrong)
nothing is 100percent bad or good, it depends on good/bad for what/who
occasion/purpose watching porn is good?
@ learning how to fuck better, lick better…
@ Exploration: by watching various kind of porn, for example when i was 18 i felt so enlightened by people doing anal, bdsm, torturing… i was feeling uncomfortable though…
occasion/purpose watching porn is bad?
@ feeling that getting real sex is so hard, porn is easier, it’s also entertaining right?
@ in my experience, i have asked plenty of people about this, when people watch porn, they masturbate, after you masturbate, the motivation of getting real sex is significantly decreased
why youtube =porn?
for example, you like to watch youtube videos about people traveling, not the traveling tips kind of videos, BUT you watch others traveling youtube for pure entertainment, BUT you watch it because others travel better than you do, BUT others have the chance but you dont have to travel to this place.
me:” i agree with you really, but would you be more happy if you are the person who make the video who actually travel? or you would be happier to watch unlimited travelers travel vlog? which one would you be happier?
please tell me if you are the person who would choose the latter one, i really want to know
convenience vs. happiness
i have been realizing this concept for so long already, but i am still not yet mastering the skill of patience.
have you ever heard of smoking and doing drugs is a way to relax ? on the other hand, some people propose that exercise is a better way to relax, its healthier and happier. if you had, then you would be interested in listening more examples from me:))
drug/smoke vs. exercise
porn/masturbate vs. real sex
watching people unboxing mysterious stuff on youtube vs. you unbox the stuff by yourself
sending birthday words/appreciation to friend by texting vs. hand writing letters
the amount of people who do drugs/smokes, watching youtube video for entertainment when you could achieve by yourself, porn/masturbate,sending birthday words to friend by texting is SOOO MUCH. at this point i doubt again that maybe i am delivering a wrong idea
i truly believed that the reason why these are relatively bad is because these “replacements activities” would demotivate us from achieving activities that would make us happier.
i know it’s hard to not watch youtube on phone, phone is in my pocket! its on my fucking hand! i know its hard to not watch porn and smoke when so many people is doing it, like you always have this reason to justify your action “ every of my friend do it”
but guys, shouldnt we give more patience and ambition to enjoy the orgasm/climax of happiness??
by eric202005