“They are Successful Because They Are More Hard-Working Than I Do”?

We are not any worse than them…

Mengan Yang
6 min readDec 17, 2020

We all once and probably still an audience of watching celebrities enjoying their life. And chances are, they are arguably rich, at least richer than us.

If you are a poor and a self-motivating person like me, you probably has at least one wishful thinking — How can I become like them

However, we still cannot achieve the goal like those successful people.

Successful people like Steve jobs, GaryVee, Seth W. Godin… They claimed to be so hard-working. SOOOOOO hardworking.

But are we sure that all of their immense achievement entirely contributed by their hardworkingness?

Shouldnt we at least be skeptical towards these successful people? Maybeeeee

“You’re just lucky”

Or maybeeee

“Am i really hardworking?”

Can we define hardworkingness?

“i have been studying(working hard) for 25 days, why i still fail my exam”

When we hear this, we usually would believe what the person is saying

“ohh he is so unfortunate because he/she is really hard-working but still failed”


God knows if the definition of hardworking to this person is working(studying) 1hour or 11 hours, every day or every time per 2 days?

And even if they work 11 hours every single day, how can we guarantee that they absorb information effectively?

How can we make sure that they are using the right way to study(work)?

How can we be certain about their memory trustworthy or not?

Is it possible that they forget to discount 1 hour of napping?


We cannot easily believe they are hard-working just because they said so.

It’s tough to compare the level of hardworkingness between them and us because we didnt witness them by our own eyes.

We cannot easily believe they are hard-working because our measurement is different.

We cannot judge the hard-workingness based on one single question.

We need to ask A LOT of questions

We need to research them, research their story background.

We should be a detective

Yesterday, my friend told me that her favorite celebrity win some movie prices, and that person gives a speech about how much she has failed, how much she has sacrificed,and how hardworking she is”

My friend told me how much she want to become like her, but don’t know how to reach that level when trying hard for years.

When i hear this, instead of saying

“Oh you can do it!”

I started to ponder about what she said

I didnt took the fact, the words from my friend as granted because I am aware of the philosophy cliche that we should not judge a person based on some comments or impressions from people.

“Tell me what’s her parent’s job, Show me how she look like”

It turns out the celebrity’s mom is herself an actress, and his father is a teacher. And she looked “pretty” by 2015’s society mainstream standard.

“white, blonde, tall, thin”

“She is destined to win the movie price, i would even be surprised if she wouldn’t “ jokingly replied to my friend

“ yeah i wish i have parents like hers, and gene like hers so that i wont be black and short”

It might sound harsh and cruel for her, but we human beings as an one single individual are very incapable of influencing the environment.

It’s a fact that most of the world’s magazine, advertisement and movie are made up of white skin color human beings.

And it’s a fact that relatively rich and “physically pretty” parents would very likely to produce “successful” rich and “physically pretty” baby. On the other hand, uneducated parents who live in underdeveloped country would very likely to produce “unsuccessful” baby.

In other words, Caste system in India still exist all over the Earth in 2020.

Intelligence also matters

You are wrong if you only consider parents as a major factor of influencing children’s prospects.

We underestimate the significance of how our brain could influence our future.

Since brain is not obvious, it’s inside our brain, therefore we dont naturally consider brain is the future planner,prospect maker.

However, knowledge and facts would still exist without our awareness.

The fact is

Each individuals, including animals, has different level of intelligence.

Therefore, it’s a fact, that some work is harder for some people, but the same work is so godamn easy for other people.

Facts leaves no room for reasonable combat especially we have internet now

So should we just give up now?

Should we just stop pursuing the image we want to become?

Should we just accept the fact that we are the unlucky one?

Should we just accept the fact that after long years of eliminating prejudice, eliminating the financial gap between poor and rich, educated and uneducated, we still have so much of shit remain unsolved in 2020?

No we really should not.

Because shit hasn’t remained unsolved.

It’s half solved.

We’ve solved the “gap problem” by inventing one of the most omnipotent tool in our human history — internet.

Internet it’s not just a great invention like slippers. Slippers are great but there are limitation, we can’t go hiking with slippers, we can’t play basketball with slippers( although i did at school, I ended up broke my slipper and injured my toe).

But internet allow us to access and learn nearly every single fucking profession, subject whatever we want.

Internet is fair and highly accessible.

Countless of free resources, courses, videos, articles are out there waiting to be learned, be used, be hard-working by you.

Some people might argue that relatively high intelligent people could learn faster, therefore, it’s still unfair.

“I can’t deny it”

But is there any possibility that we could learn more and longer than them?

Are you 100% sure that the fairy tale “turtle racing with rabbit” won’t occur on your life?

If the answer is

“Yes, well, umm, i guess i still have 0.01% of achieving the result that lucky people could easily achieve and take away the pie”

Then do it


Even though life is unfair that some games are designed easy for lots of lots of lucky people

Even though all of our hard-workingness failed to achieve the goal we want, the goal that can be easily reached by some people who has relatively rich family and good genes

But it doesnt mean we cannot choose our side of what we want to achieve

It doesnt mean we cannot try to build pyramid on Jupiter even though the gravity on us is 69 times greater than those motherfucking lucky guy on the planet Earth

oh yeah we might not achieve the result as good as those lucky successful people

Oh yeah of course we might not stand on the stage giving Oskar speech, or Ted talk.

But we dont have to be like them to be successful.

The definition of success given by traditional, classical, modern, regional , contemporary blah blah blah whatever society should not be our definition of success.

We should and we can have our own definition of success.


Because there is no intrinsic value in our universe

There is no absolute fact, answers, truth about those people who are playing life successfully than us.

We should and can have our own definition of success.

Because we are hard-working enough.

And even though we are really less hardworking than those standing on stage TV show people. Even though we are not successful at all?

It’s fine.

Because we love what we do.

Recently, I have been greatly motivated by a philosopher Peter Singer, he is one of the person who changed my life

I strongly recommend you check out his website and his book, it’s about new perspective of self-improvement, contribute our property to help more people who suffer from extreme property and rescue animals from suffering.

His books and his website would help you.

202010 by eric(naruto) Sofia



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