There’s no point to do street interview/survey

Shouldn’t we be more selective about whom we’re talking to ?

Mengan Yang
3 min readJul 10, 2020
Photo by EA Grafiks from Pexels

So many business advertisements and research based on street survey, what if they are not accurate ? have you ever be skeptical about the data you are using?

After you read my article, you would start to challenge more and ask more questions to this universe.

People lie

Teachers lie, president lie, parents lie, everybody lie for their own reason, even though you’re trying hard to be honest, chances are you would still lie because you might not think thorough enough, you might lie because of political reason, public, moral, money reason, white lie.It just matters on how much you are being honest.

Often people answer questions based on their intuition instead of deep thoughts.

We could come up with all the possibilities by ourselves

If you’re going to ask strangers “what is your opinion about donald trump” Isn’t that obvious for us to come up with tons of reasons by ourselves why people like trump or dislike trump?

Same as asking opinions from strangers on the street about LGBT,Brexit, or any questions


We’re asking follow up questions.

What do i mean ?

Let’s suppose i’m doing street survey to a 14 year old girl

“do you approve LGBT marriage? if yes why, if no why not ?”

“oh, hell no, because my parents told me that these are mental illness”

“thank you:)) may i ask you why do you think your parent’s word are right?”

“my mom is a teacher, my dad is an engineer, they both have high educational background, of course the words from their mouth are trustworthy”

In this example, the difference between normal survey is that, i don’t just receive one single answer from this stranger then leave, i ask “deep questions to understand their incentive/motive/environment” , to receive more data, getting to know the bigger picture.

Traditional street survey/interview is meaningless

@1 it’s hard for strangers to say their honest opinion to you, a lot of people choose to not be so honest because you guys are not friend.

@2 a lot of people lie and shy especially in front of camera

@3 interviewer jump too fast to the next questions

@4 hard to receive professional answer

Internet is way powerful than we think

Although internet comments/opinions have their own downside like hurting people, doesn’t mean there is no bright side. i personally learn soooooo damn much from youtube comment, quora and reddit.

The advantages of collecting opinion on the website

@1 people lie less than street interview, because no one know their identity.

@2 people are more serious and interested: forum/platform on the internet has the ability to gather people with same interest/ profession together, singling by typing keywords in the searching box.

@3 people could edit their opinion after deep thoughts, no need to rush



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