thank you hitchhiking
i want to appreciate alina who allow me to spend time with your family for infinite amount of time,you helped me when the serious quarantine law hindered my plan and its very hard for me to find people to help me,thank you for letting me feel like i’m part of the family, sometimes you even take care of me like your kid. thank you for solving s;o much of my problem, thank you for letting me experience love.
thank you veronika, letting me realize that relatively elder people could also be super open minded,i am so lucky that i learn so much from you
thank you pavel, for paying so much attention on discussing psychological topic with me, and pay so much attention on my thoughts
thank you slava for giving me chances for me to meet you , one of my favorite youtuber, thank you for helping me achieve my dream, answering my question , and make youtube videos with you, thank you for even share my youtube video on your channel:)) i learned a lot from you, by the way the game was really interesting and the burger was the most tasty bread ive tasted
thank you yura for discussing philosophical topic and letting me experience scientist traits from you
thank you kolya, for letting me experience the concept of “everyone is from the same family, we should cherish ourselves and cherish everyone, cherish our existence of universe as well” and thank you for giving me chances to build house with you , and teach me how to smoke i’m just kiding , i’m waiting you to quit smoke and help more people
thank you kate, thank you for showing your creativity for me, thank you for being the biggest motivation, i am so lucky to have a friend likes to learn new languages who is creative and you also have scientist traits. of course i wont forget you help me so much of my russsian.and help my youtube channel
thank you margarita, even though you claim that you are depressed, but you are the person who help me get rid of sadness, i am so lucky that you help me to make youtube video, i hope i could be your friend and lets help more people?
thank you more than 40 people being my hitchhike driver, helping me achieve my dream, you become part of my journey
thank you mom and dad for letting me know that you want me to come back to your home, thank you for providing me chances to study in university, thank you for giving me good environment for me to achieve self improvement, thank you for keep criticizing me and not recognizing me , распознава́ние recognition, letting me want to be a nomad, thank you for keep arguing with me thank you for letting me know i sometimes exaggerate my achievement .
thank you tatiana, for become the only woman in krasnoyarsk wanting to talk to me on the street, thank you for recognizing my dream, thank you for making me feel “ mom love”
thank you 18 stranger on the street who give me some money for me to buy food
thank you andrey in irkutsk for being so generous and teaching me how to be humorous
thank you andrey in perm share with me so many alchohol and also teach me how to be humorous, wow now every andrey are humorous?
thank you alina in irkutsk for drawing your creativity on me , your daughter is super creative and i really like your smile
thank you brother to become my saske, i hope one day we could togetehr to improve humanity
thank you tamara for letting me sleep at your amazing house with 13 pets after i waited hitchhike car for 7.5 hours, your food is so amazing and your family is super friendly i am so happy :))
thank you masha and sasha taking me to the first zoo in russian, letting me to taste my first sushi in russia, giving me so many gifts and making me feel so warm
thank you violena for persuading me keep continue my trip to west disregard this stupid government warning message. of course i wont forget the time you saved my life from total isolation during hospital quarantine. most importantly, you always try to spend time with me even though you have 3 kids.
thank you life for giving me such a “unpredictable “adventure
thank you aidar for letting me experience sleeping inside the truck , thanking for sharing with me thqt soul exits , thank you for hit hhike me from novosibrsk to yekaterinburg
thank you 9 strangers who share your food to me:))
thank you alina from ukrinae who become my teacher, enlightjening me that i should avoid “ unrealistic expectation: and thank you for still sharing me your life lesson even though you have your priorities to do.
thank you sofia for spending time with me when i feel so lonely, thank you for keep teaching me new russian words and phrases, thank you for keep giving me patience when talking to me, thank you for being my friend, when i talk to you i feel very happy
thank you nastya in tyumen for becoming the only host who want to host me in tyumen and thank you for making interview video with me :))
thank you yulia in irkutsk, bought me train ticket to baikal:))
thank you natasha in tomsk for seduce me and being so active to want to have sex with me
thank you alex in irkutsk treat me super friendly ,making my heart feel super warm and pay 3 nights hostel for me
thank you vika for being me the only girl who want to make friend with me in irkutsk on the street , thank you for making interview and interacting stranger with me ,
thank you marina for being super active to solve my russian law immigration problem, you are so cool that you can always get important information . and treating me super friendly, you know that i want to eat bread then you bought me so many bread when i stay at your house
thank you vladmir and igor who guide me to hitchhike road in khabarosvk
thank you police sergey for treating me so friendly while waiting for ambulance to hitchhike me, i am so lucky that i could be friend with you on instgrqm and whatsapp , letting me ask you a lot of questions , and thank you for accepting my lucky coin :))
thank you zhenya for introducing your friend kirill to me, thank you for spending so much of your time solving my problem in russia , when you also have problem with your new book hostel in sainkt peterpug, you literally create a different aspect of life for me, letting me know that receiving immense help from complete stranger is possible, and thank you for being the only person who criticize my article and thank you for giving me your empathy save me from quarantine
thank you anup and kalpesh, you guys saved me from russian culture, letting me experience indian friendliness in russia, i am so lucky that we could collaborate together making youtube video, and feel so happy when you also want to improve the earth.
thank you nastya from kazakastan, im so lucky to recieve help from you , translating and adding subtitles, without you i cant show my video to russian.
thank you kirill for sending me thousands of words teaching me how to hitchhike in russia, i feel so amazed that we are complete stranger, and you have been spending so much energy on helping me through internet, 50 percent of my successful trip is because of you.on top of that thank you for telling me wearing mask is not necessary unless
thank you lera in khabarosvsk for giving me your beanie , and treating me super friendly
thank you dima for willing to do interview with me, and share your experience with me , and always reply my messages on instagrm
thank you ivan, for sacrifice your comfort zone helping me to make “ interacting with stranger video” and i am so lucky that you encourage поощря́ть me to do more creative things
thank you yulia in kemerovo for giving me your recognition, and fixing my backpack, you make me feel like i am your friend
thank you alyona, for letting me experience a hostel boss can be so generous to people, letting me stay 2 nights for free, you make me feel so warm
спасибо, Алена, за то, что дала мне испытать, что хозяин хостела может быть таким щедрым по отношению к людям
thank you doctor slava , for accepting my friendliness and keep explaining things to me, i was so happy that you were chatting with me on the ambulance instead of getting angry at me .
thank you nastya nurses for being the only nurses who treat me politely and friendly when i was being locked in hosipital you are the only person who has the patience keep communicating with me
thank you yana
thank you nadya, for improving my russian so much, and motivate me to continue achieve my dream
thank you nikita for being my soul mate, i believe you have the potential to improve humanity like me, thank you for being the only person who phone call with me while i feel so sad while hitchhiking alone.
Спасибо, Алена, за то, что показала мне каким великодушным человеком может оказаться хозяин хостела и дать мне переночевать две ночи бесплатно. Я чувствую теплоту в душе благодаря тебе
thank you milana for giving me your coat, your generosity spread to so many russian now: Твое великодушие распространяется на большое количество русских
thank you avgustin
thank you ilya for making so many videos for me, allowing me to stay at your house for 10 nights, i am learning how to be like you how to make a lot of friend like you
thank you so much yaroslav, you are the first person who willing to record video for my youtube when i am in vladivastok you are in ukraine , and we are complete stranger, thank you for so focus on helping me
thank you mike for allowing me to stay at your house for 8 days and teach me how to make better hair cut, thank you for sharing your food with me
thank you mike, for providing chances to hitchhike me and want to take me to altai, you are super generous
thank you anna in georigia for being so openminded to videochat with me instatnly and randomly , you are such a kind girl and i think you have the potential to improve humanity :))
thank you , for recognizing my kindness and friendliness , i should remember that i did make some influence on people .
thank you liza for becoming the first person who hangout with me after i met you only 10 minutes on the street, thank you for trusting me and sharing your creativity with me, i hope i could be your friend
thank you universe for giving me consciousness for me to experince such a cool life
thank you grandma for motivating me to become a hardworking , humble person , easy going person like you , i want to sleep as little as you , but you sleep 3 hours work for 16 hours in the past, im afraid i still want to use my own personalized method:))
thank you uzbekistan workers
part two
number one: at the very beginning of my hitchhike trip in vladivastok, the miracle has began already, my first hitchhike driver “alina” ask me, “eric do you wanna eat some lunch at my house?” i said yeah, why not. after i ate it alina asked me “would you like to get some sleep?” i said yeah why not” after i get some rest alina asked me “ would you like to stay at my house for some days “ i said : “holly shit really!” yup so i ended up staying at her house for totally 1.5 months, every week she would take me to experience things that ive never experinced before lkike climbing snow mountain, camping, rafting, cooking and 1st time in my life hangingout with little kids, her kids, . most importantly, without her support and companion, i might have already give up on sharing my positivity, giving on my dream of “saving the world”. thank you alina i wont give up.