Smart kid talk much, Smart adult talk less?
how to break one of the most common sterotype
Why stereotypically kids who talk much are smarter?
reason1: because when we are still young, our ability to express ourselves usually is not as good as adults, its rare
reason2: as a kids, we don’t have to care too much about situation/occasion to talk, we could just express our creativity/ideas, if kids keep silent then nobody will know we have these cool thoughts.
Why stereotypically adults who talk less are smarter?
reason1 :sometimes the older we are the more experiences we had communicated with people, so talking/expressing is no longer rare, bur rather people focus more on the quality/ content of what we said.
reason2: sometimes in a conversation, smart people would choose to listen more, because we want to learn, when we talk, our brain doesnt really absorb new information.
Why these are just sterotype?
its simple. because it all depends on situation.
adult talk much doesnt mean its stupid: take myself as an example, during traveling when i meet someone in order for me to make friends, i would talk about myself more and ask about others opinion about what i said. i would tend to talk more at the beginning to show my friendliness. sometimes silence scare people because its mysterious. also i prefer to ask questions rather than answer questions, i could ask a lot of questions sometimes because i want to learn.
kids talk less doesnt mean its stupid: some kids who doesnt talk much is because of other barriers, like “slow to socialize”, or some “sickness” like autism. but these people they simply just have different ways to communicate than mainstream society, some people might even have more intellect.
here are some words being expressed by a kid who was diagnosed Asperger syndrome, OCD, and selective mutism addressing the global warming issue
she: “That basically means I only speak when I think it’s necessary -
For those of us who are on the spectrum,
almost everything is black or white.
We aren’t very good at lying,
and we usually don’t enjoy participating in this social game
that the rest of you seem so fond of.”
no one is only/100 percent stupid/smart
we cant just conclude that
“oh he doesnt know how to boil and egg, look how stupid he is”
but maybe this guy know how to build a house( a real house not a lego)
“omg she is so smart, she could always answer teachers questions smoothly, with teacher’s applause”
but maybe she is a super slow learner of driving car, and fixing instruments.
people sometimes might show they are “stupid or smart”, but these are very subjective, afterall, we probably havent hang out with these people enough, in another words we havent experienced their brightside and darkside.
in conclusion
dont judge people easily.
please criticize me, i hope you could help me to gain more perspective, i hope you could share you thoughts in the comments, it would be fucking fantasticc