Rich people monetize their successful by saying they work so hard

why we are not any worse than them

Mengan Yang
6 min readJun 19, 2020
Photo by Sergiu Nista on Unsplash

how could you measure richness and hardworkingness?

Define hardworking: hard to tell really, because it is very hard to determine “rich” and “hard-working”. some people might say

“i have been hardworking for 25 days, why i still fail my exam”

who knows if the definition of hardworking to this person is working 2 hours everyday or 11 hours everyday, even is 11 hours how can you guanrantee he is really learning/absorbing information effectively?

also, some people might use brain more than hands. often these type of “brain worker” often being ignored. take myself as an example, often in high school and freshman university year before i dropped out. we usually have some project for us to cooperate. i often use brain to do thoughts experiments and ask questions to team member first instead of directly use my hand to do something. but often what i got is classmates called me lazy or not hardworking.

but usually, the method they use at the beginning without brain work were suck and they have to redo it again.

i know i sound like i am calling myself smart but i actually wanna say that “brainwork” is sort of invisible and not obvious, does that mean people who use brain more than hands are not hardworking?

define rich:

“holly fuck he bought a jodan yesterday,he is so rich!”

who knows that if he is a 14 year old student or an 30 year old adult working as a manager

“he is only 24 but he has already traveled to 69 countries!, i wonder how could he be so rich”

who knows if he is a person who is very great at budget traveling or not.

some people think you need to have 10000000 us dollars in your bank account in order to be rich, some people think, if you have a lot of stock,or a lot of house without much money in bank account you are still rich.

for me, ever since i dropped out from university, i realized even though you fulfilled every definition of rich, doesnt mean you are rich, because you are very likely not a self-made rich person.

self made and self pity

if you go to youtube and search billionare or milllionare, or motivational speaker. you would often hear them saying

“i work sooo much, i wake up sooo early, i suffered so much, i sacrifice soo much”

when i was 19, i believed them 100percent, but recently when i do some research on these “successful people “ again, i realized that most of them are

talking too much and stress on how good they are.

for example:

successful/rich people:“my family divorce, my teachers said i will never success, i have to work part time job after work”

at the beginning i thought these are worthy points to share how much they have overcame, and this is why they are so successful, they are tough a guy who solve many problems.

but recently i realized that so many kids have parents who are divorced especially in russia, most of my teachers from elementary school to senior high also told me something about i will be having trouble in the future sort of thing, a lot of students nowadays work partt-ime right after school. so why are they bragging!!


indeed we can easily find people with some adversity. “but not everyone has these overlapping adversities, like family issue, financial issue, no recognition issue, all together.

so my conclusion after reviewing this topic again, i realize indeed some rich/successful people really overcome way more difficulties than we have. but i still think there must be some ways to make people like or feel comfortable with rich/successful people more. i think its about their conversational/ talking skills. how to say things humbly,instead of saying directly

rich/successful:“ohh how suck my condition was, and i overcome them completely, i do this i do that”

you could say something like this to make people like you more

rich/successful:“i was actually kind of lucky, god give me the chance for me to encounter these difficulties, and thanks to so many people’s help now i guess i am kinda rich/successful because others call me this”

before completely trusting these motivational/successful/rich people, please investigate their family/financial background

when i was 19, even though i was practicing how to let go of my ego, but it was too much of ego before. whenever people ask me

“yo eric, why is your english so good, english education in taiwan suck right?”

me: “well i study harder from most of the students, i do this i do that, and everyone is lazy”

but the truth is, is not that i wasnt hardworking, i do notice that i study more english than most of my surroundings. but the more accurate truth is that my parents sent me to a kindergarten called “frobel” which emphasize english education. this is truly an advantage because a lot of parents in taiwan dont have enough money and lacking of knowledge of how important english is.

there is really not much to say, i researched around 50 more rich/celebrity/famous/successful people most of them has relatively rich parents, relatively high educational background parents, or famous parents.

If you are happy then you dont have to be rich

its hard to talk about this topic, because for me its a common sense. but on the other hand, my surrounding often say i am lacking of common sense, these are the real examples

“what eric you only know how to cook fried egg?”

“holly shit eric you dont know spain and france is connected??”

“you dont know how to adjust helmet/backpack??”


although i know there are tons of books out there sharing their experience or mindset about being happy without financially being rich, authors talk better than me, but i could provide my little happy financially broke travel happening on me now

im currently traveling in russia, for 4 months already, before russia i stayed in my hometown taiwan for 2 months, making youtube videos, before taiwan i traveling to southern india for 1 month. during these7 months, i super rarely feel unhappy, but a lot of my surroundings tell me that they are unhappy about certain things. mostly about “no possibility, or no money”

but for me, these are not the problem, the problem is “being closeminded”

during these 5 months traveling in russia and southern india, i could have buy myself a lot of things, but i choose to forget i have sufficient money. because i admit that i still have way more enough money in my bank account, also the currency value in taiwan is way higher than india and russia.

during these months, all i buy is water, chocolate, and mostly bread, OH WAIT, in india i buy some oreos. its just my favorite thing on this planet. as for food i travel mostly buy bus, hitchhike or walk. so many people tell me how cheap the taxi is in these two countries but i just dont want to.

“because i know a lot of time free things like hitchhike and walking is way more interesting than expensive things”

recently i even took it further and asking for food and accommodation from people. the process is really interesting, way more interesting than simply buying food from supermarket or sleep in hostel.

why am i saving money and only wanna free/cheap service?

@ 1 free service are more genuine, or more human-like, in conclusion a lot of activities once involves money, it wont be as friendly as cheap service. this would be another story.

@ 2 even though i have enough money to budget travel, doesnt mean i have soo many money, right now i only wanna spend money on essential things or things that could help me to improve.

in conclusion

1.being financially rich really doesnt guarantee success of life

2.we are not any worse than those rich/successful people

3.if our purpose of life is to gain happiness, then being financially rich really doesnt help so much

4.i will be accumulating money, abilities, one day give it back to the rest of the universe.




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