Retrospect, Correction, Revisit.
place: Kyiv
Mistake: I thought that police dislike me because he stare at me for 20 seconds. I thought I am into big trouble.
What can I change next time? Number one: It is not true that police stare at me, police indeed look at my direction, but I cannot see police’s eye. Number two: even though police look at me for 20 seconds, does not mean I am a bad person, animals look at things because it is attractive, either we found it pretty, strange or suspicious. Normally, police think I am suspicious. After all, I look completely different from the rest of the passengers. Number four, to find out if I am disliked by police or not I can approach them an interacted with them, Guess what, I did today, I said good morning, and then guess what?? policeman said a loud good morning back and in English!
Mistake: Talk when I don't want to talk
I successfully ask for food from strangers. It was not hard for me, but it is hard to keep silent when I feel people expect me to respond, to talk.
What I can change next time: There is a human-animal I can imitate from. Recently, I have encountered an artist called Igor. I spend time with him 3 times, each time longer than 2 hours, every time, he would talk super slow, or being silent for a long time, even ignore my questions sometimes, but I was never offended; I was even thankful because once he ignored my questions of asking “how to turn off the light” since I was a sleepover at his castle, his silence immediately let me realize that of course I know how to turn off the light
there are also some situations where silence benefit conversation and atmosphere a lot, most importantly, what's the point of continuing conversation when people have poor listening and expressing themselves skill?
the problem that I will encounter will be I will feel scared of offending people; I guess I can try to say “I am thinking” when they ask me why I am staying silent rather than” I think it's pointless to discuss this” because by doing this I am giving people hopeful thinking and people don't like that, I really don't like when Valeria in Odessa always tell me everything is pointless and you can do whatever you want( it will still be pointless(whispering))
conclusion: don't be too afraid of offending people if so many people are so easily offended nowadays
My Mistake : I was afraid to tell the truth, that my art at least worth 900 Ukraine money
I successfully sell my art at 500, which is 200 more than the printing cost (300), but I want to earn more, and I know I can, which is my goal.
However, when people give me 500, I was unable to tell them the truth.
What I can change next time: this time, I want to tackle this question by finding out my “core belief”. i think my core belief is once I tell people that my price is higher than they thought, it will make me stupid or make me think I am too proud of myself, but I think my core belief should change because number one: people don’t know how many effort I have put into this art, number two: art is a subjective matter that we cannot compare with price, He can think his price, I can think my price. Number three: there is nothing wrong with being stupid, what is stupid anyways? could you explain to me? number four: i should of course be proud of myself, i literally bully my mind and output a art from mind to laptop, from laptop to physical world within 1 week! and i am just starting out my artist career!
Can I change more? I have rarely
offended people in this year, so why not use experiment instead of argument and see if by telling the truth will I offend human-animal or not?