Reincarnation might be true

Mengan Yang
8 min readJun 3, 2020


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

intro: yooo im eric and this story is about me and a russian high school guy who host me during covid-19 quarantine

what is reincarnation?

for me its a person who died, but his/her soul/ consciousness/personality transfer to different body.

but im gonna be honest, i wrote the title but i only partially believe in reincarnation. for me it’s just people who has very similar personality and thoughts.

so in the next 2 minutes i want to share with the rest of my consciousness/ human beings, the concept of “everyone could have the same personality, therefore everyone could be the same”

goal: i want to try my best not to criticize/hurt him by using “flipping mindset” ability

hint:his name is not harry potter, but i dont wanna reveal his real name so id rather choose my favorite character- harry.

personality1:Harry has so much ego like i was in high school

story1:i really dont understand why did he give me the key, then lock the door from the inside, this make the key has no use to open the door. i asked him politely, he literally replied me

Harry: “this is russian culture”

i aint gonna lie, i was furious inside my body

me: “then what’s the point of key if i cant open it?”

Harry: “ listen eric! i will only use the inner lock if i am in the room, so dont worry if you cant open the door, just press the bell” ( he is speaking russian at this time with a fast speed, i only understand 60 percent)

me: “may you speak slower Harry? and i dont get it if you are inside the room why lock the inner lock?? why not outler lock?? and what if there are no people inside the room, you gonna use the outer lock right ? then what’s the point of having inner lock?”

Harry: “its russian culture!” speaking with anger

he further told his russian friend( i live with 4 russian in this flat), “ he( eric) didnt understand me at all”

similarity1: when i was younger i often insist on i am the only person who is right others are wrong

story2: ridicule chinese people

the story2 title might be misleading a bit, cuz Harry actually likes chinese as my observation, using so many chinese product in his house, asking me questions about chinese, he never mentioned taiwan, but its fine for me

but he often imitate chinese who is learning russian but cant pronounce it well, he often laugh at the pronunciation of chinese language, he laugh at the outfit of chinese, behaviors of chinese.

i might write an article about whats the difference between ridiculing and laughing but what makes me uncomfortable is that he often holds this concept that “ russian or america culture is superior than chinese”

similarity2: i dont think i have ever ridicule the difference between cultures but i remembered i ridiculed my classmates before

story3: he was trying be recognized by popular school student

Harry took away my virginity of having party. He told me to dress cool for joining party for more than 5 times.

i am 100 percent sure Harry worried that me will be embarrassing him for not wearing modern/cool clothe.

well after my persuasion, i still did it and i have no problem with getting attention from russian “ popular” high school student, some of them did discuss a bit about my outfit,

“why are you still wearing winter outfit in spring eric?”

me:” i am not a rich traveler who would throw clothe away and buy a new one, on top of that i will be having less problem with heat than typical russian”

there are 8 people in the party, “partying”in Harry’s house, but literally no one talked to him besides they need help for things, or they are joking about certain things that relates to him. actually before the party, it was already pretty obvious, Harry shop with me buying cookies and juice, but other guys shopping by themselves meanwhile there is no conversation within it. when they greet they dont interact , in the party again, Harry dont dance like he did in christian party, dont even talk in this smoking and alcoholing party , but talk a lot in christian party.

similarity3: in junior high school, i was also the kid who crave for being recognized by popular kids, who has more “friends”, more “cool” outfit, who smoke and drink alcohol, who usually has poor grades in my experience. but i felt so uncomfortable , being ignored so often and the atmosphere that i had its just so different from them.

i will and have been wearing this for 6 months in russia

story4:Harry ask me to do his english exam

what makes this story so interesting is that, Harry isnt the person who ask help from me, he asked his christian friend to ask me, then his christian friend invite me to prey with them together.

of course i have hundreds of questions before and while helping his english exam

“if you ask me to do your exam, how can you improve?”

“if you dont really want to improve, why are you still taking classes?”

“why were you playing in the morning and watching movies in the afternoon today?”

“why do you ask me to do all these, there are literally so many easy questions you could answer”

apparently the answer is pretty simple, i know some might think i am paranoid or interpreting it in a bad way, but i am pretty sure that “he wanted to utilize me”

fair enough,he let me to stay at his house for a week

similarity4:being irresponsible of mine own behavior when i was in high school, keep utilizing others without caring their feelings. until this point its still hard for me to get the help from others efficiently with politeness and care, efficiency needs to be sacrificed.

story5:Harry seldom keep his promise

I never asked him to make me additional more comfort, but he keep telling me

“Eric, i will make you very comfortable at my home, you will be having fun with my super cool friend, they speak good english and you will have you own bed, i will be sleeping at my mom’s house”

it turns out, his friend speak 5 percent of english but they are super cool indeed, and Harry never sleep with her mom, instead he slept 7 days straight with me and a friend on couch.

there are so many triviality that is worthless to bring it up, but what ive learned the most is that “ a person who seldom keep his promise is really fucked up”

similarity5:i often like to say unrealistic things, in my opinion unrealistic to others but realistic to me like improving education in taiwan, making millions of people more friendly on this planet, i want to keep my promise!

story6:Harry is careless and overthinking often

HOLLY SHIT, he rush things so often, every single fucking time he had to run, or do things so fast before leaving the house. its just a nightmare for me because i know rushing things is unpleasant and usually will fuck things up.

and unsurprisingly, he often left things at home, or he would forget to do somethings, why i know? cuz he would complain it out.

on top of that, he think too much about trifles, like he would spend 15 minutes on making his face looks so awful then ask me the questions or throw his problem on me…

similarity6: i am thankful that now i rarely rush things and overthinking about things, but when i was in high school , holly fuck, i wasnt able to manage my fucking life, im gonna apologize to my parent now, they helped me so much.

story7:Harry feel scared when i was finally angry

Harry really belittle me everytime, i learned from our interaction and from my observation that, he thinks i have poor russian language skills, poor cooking skills, lacking sense of proper wearing skills, and most importantly poor financially which can be very true, if you intentionally look at a specific way.

he wasnt really treating me friendly, but i still maintain my temper, politeness, friendliness.

until this time i decided to use anger as a tool , not as a habit…

me: “Harry, could you stop speaking russian so fast, when we have conflict?i admit my russian is not so good, but look at you, saying that how english is important in your life, taking classess everyday, i am so willing to help you, but now you disregard my feeling and request, but just keep using russian to say the thing you want to say, also you always assume that i know nothing, you never asked me questions about my opinion or my feelings. Stop it please!”

holly shit after this, he treat me politely for 2 days but i could feel that he avoid interacting with me.

similarity7: i was the person who was close minded and think others are weaker than me, ignoring others feeling often. i am still proud of myself sometimes recently, i think the better way to handle this is to be proud of yourself inside, but talk humbly outside:))


with all due respect, i believe 90 percent of the human beings including myself are still far away from open-mindedness, i observed it plenty of times.

take Harry for an example, he kept insisting on me should not wear hats in the house, because this is russia, he thinks i am impolite because i refused him everytime for not watching movies with him and his friend but writing introspect every hour.

Harry also felt instant angry when was being scolded by a person on the bus

stranger: “the fuck you open the window, its so cold”

firstly, i was opening the window next to me, not next to the stranger, secondly , if the stranger asked me to close the window, i would def close it.thirdly, the stranger was so unfriendly to me, without having conversation with me…

Harry definitely felt embarrassed because he felt he is responsible for me. i explained to him everything and my feelings , but after my explanation, he just put his head back to his phone again…

Harry was also pissed when i asked him

me:“why dont you sleep with your mom i mean the bed is pretty big?”

Harry: “eric! i am already old enough to sleep by my own!”

me:” …, i was just curious…”

similarity8: i am also close-minded , no one is 100 percent open-minded, and i believe the more open-minded you are the better you are, so instead of me reacting to things intuitively everytime, think more before i act or talk:))

in conclusion: everyone could have the same personality, but often people just forget it:)) and whom people are criticizing/hating is their old/future version of themselves. we live in the same planet, drink and eat the same shit, how could we be so different?? everyone is you and everyone is me, therefore reincarnation is true to the extent that people share the same personal traits but physical appearance could be so different.

202006 by eric



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