Reason Why Asking Question is Pointless

I guess Everyone make this mistake?

Mengan Yang
2 min readNov 8, 2020

I've always been actively sharing my hitchhike mission from Vladivastok to the UK.

However, once I arrived in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, people never asked me

“Eric, why are you coming here, if you were in sainkt-peterpurg 1 month ago, why dont you directly go to Finland,Ukraine or Beralus, wont it be more efficient?”

When everyone heard my story, they only WOW, or asked how many months have you already hitchhike ?or when do i plan to go back to Taiwan.

Which is fine!

But the problem is

For those looking for self-improvement, without asking follow-up question, we will never get to know detail.

The differentiated story.

They will never know how cool I am, having a scientist attitude insist on hitchhiking to Belarus or Ukraine even though covid19 make the crossing border thing a lot harder. Not even mention the protest in Beralus and wars in Ukraine make the whole visiting country things a lot more dangerous.

For those looking for self-improvement, there will be no point to hear the same story and answer again and again.

We could even come up with these answers by ourselves.

For example: if people ask me: “Eric, How many months have you been hitchhiking?”

It won’t be hard for us to come up with an answer from 1 to12, even to 20.

It’s like asking what will be the weather Aleksa or Siri?

We already know the possible answer before getting answer.

But if we ask: “Wait, Eric, dont you miss home? usually people dont travel this long especially you are still a student”

This deep question could trigger me to answer my personality because i am ambitious, trigger me to involve my family background, I rarely feel loved by my parents therefore i speculate myself that I am seeking for love throughout the planet without wanting to come back to my home.

People could learn from my decision making as well.

And decision making is interesting

Because it is personal.

Because it is exclusive.

But questions like what’s the weather, what is your age, what is the food you like , which country have you traveled kind of questions is universal.

Is traditional.

Some people might argue that because my storytelling skill suck, therefore my story become boring, therefore people has no motivation to ask deeper question .

But the responsibility shouldn't be putting on the storyteller.

It should be on audience who is learning from this question.

Audience ought to be more responsive and curious to ask deeper question because storyteller is the helper

And audience is the one who need help.

202011 Eric(naruto) Chernivtsi



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