Random Thoughts With Little Action Could Lead To Big Success
Plan to give up on some “stupid” ideas?
Have you ever give up on some “stupid” ideas? Have you ever feel too lazy to execute your “really cool” ideas?
After you read my articles you would have motivation to execute your little ideas:))
storybackground: im eric and the reincarnation of naruto working on friendalizing human. currently a nomad in russia, hobby is to make youtube and watch youtube,i am losing motivation recently.
How random my thoughts are and how little my action is
It was a random thoughts that i want to send email to russian youtuber since i want to be more influential by making videos with them, on top of that i am hitchhiking in russia so why not? So i instantly grab my laptop and find the russian youtubers that i subscribed, find their email then told them “how cool i am, how i like your video, how beneficial for us to meet”
How big my success is?
Since we are still living in reality, 9 youtubers ignore my email. BUT HOLLY SHIT, i successfully received email from the last youtube i texted, and is one of my favorite youtuber! (the picture below is what he replied me)
We instantly did the videochat!
So i thought “why not i generate one random thoughts again and follow it?”
“why dont i change my travel route to his city so that i could have 1 percent chance to meet him?
The next day, i refused some hicthhike drivers who willing to give me a ride to my original intended cities, after 3 hours of waiting i get a truck driving me to Yekaterunburg, the city that he is living!
The moment i met him was speechlessly happy, i never thought i could hangout with a famous internet person sitting in his car, eating the pizza he treated me, playing his favorite board game, receiving help from him by sleeping at his house, eating the breakfast his girlfriend cook for us, make videos together.
I even received unexpected success from youtube , he helped me to increase from 740 subscribers to 800!
How could i multiply this successful result?
fucking try new method man! even though the possibilities are 1 percent
202008 perm by eric(naruto)