Parents influence us way more than we think

Mengan Yang
5 min readJun 15, 2020


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

are rich people really self-made?

of course there are some people they put in hours/efforts way more than most of the people, that’s why they become financially rich.


after i’ve been to russia, southern india and understanding an Indonesian housekeeper in my house, i realize that efforts are only a tiny key factor of being financially rich. luckiness receive from parents also pay a super big role!

soooo many people couldn’t even study because their family/parent is poor, they have to help their family to do farms or do labor work. soooo many people they couldn’t even start up a small business because all of their money must help their parents condition first , sickness or financial difficulties.

when i was studying in high school, there’s a guy who’s tall, wearing expensive shoes everyday to school. for my small city , wearing expensive shoe at 17, it’s very very rare. but students, including me in the past, don’t know about the whole picture, we just keep thinking

“ oh wow this guy is so handsome , so cool”

“ damn he is so rich !”

i was so stupid in high school, how could i not know that he isn’t the rich one but his parents, he is tall not because of his efforts but thanks to his parents give him good environment for eating and sleeping. most of people from previous generation due to being poor in the past, they cannot eat enough food or sleep enough therefore they are not as tall as young people now. gene is really just one tiny factor from so many factors that influence our destiny/outlook.

people claim: i believe in god not because of anyone but i made myself to believe god

i have always been curious about why people rely so much on illogic/god. especially after i read brief answers to the big questions- does god exist ? by stephen hawking.

finally i have a very good chance to find the truth about whether does god exist — i’m living in russia now. holly molly, so many people are christian in russia, no matter is a loyal christian that goes to church every week and pray before eating or half loyal christian who claim that they believe god but they dont follow things that bible told.

i seize the chance and interact with so many christians, with both loyal one and half loyal one. but no matter which type of christian they are.


period . there’s really not much to explain. especially i am so shocked and happy when i interview a guy,

me: “ so what makes you become christian?”

him: “ it’s all based on my free well, when i was 12 my friend died then i just started to believe god”

me: “ wow, but umm is your mom or dad christian?”

him: “ yup my mom is christian”

me:” …”

the quantity of travel times also determined by parents

i’ve talked to countless of people, i found out that people who like to travel are those whose parents bring their kids to travel when they were young. now i am not talking about “ oh i wish i could travel “ type of person, i know 90 percent of people likes to travel. BUT i’m talking about the type of person that really really likes travel and plan for it.

especially students in my university major before i droppedout — international business. i found out students in my class, 99 percent of their parents took them to travel more than average people.

and usually , thanks to parents giving opportunities to travel with them, making kids develop hobbies to want to travel more and want to talk to foreigner, and these people are often more open minded than others.

i thought i am so different from my family

my dad is an engineer, mom is a teacher, they both graduated from high reputation university. my brother was even cooler, graduated from the most reputation high school, university and master degree. as for me i didn’t get my high school diploma, dropped out of university, just want to be a nomad on the earth.

i have more than 87 times wondering why my characteristics are so different from my family likes to travel because they can see different new views and eat different new food. as for me i like to travel not because of food and places but talking to strangers.also my parents don’t like to risk high, don’t like to do “ abnormal thing”, but i do.


the more i introspect and retrospect about the characteristic between me and my parents i found out so many similarities between us.

yes indeed i have no good scores at school compare to my parents and no diploma, but i really like to study because my parents buy so many books in house, and warning me to study everyday.

i really like physics,math .i have to admit, my brother majors in physics for 7 years. my father is an engineer related to physics.

i am relatively good at learning languages and using languages. i have to admit my mom is an english teacher, even though she is incapable of teaching me, but she put me into a kindergarten that emphasize learning english.

i really like to save money right now, even though i have very enough money to buy more more expensive things. but i have to admit, my parents always tell me how to buy cheap things and don’t waste money.

the reason why i played badminton better than average people is because my parents took me to play badminton every weekend consecutively for 9 years!

afterall my destiny has sort of be predetermined by my parents but of course methods might be different.

start by introspecting, you’ll discover more correlation between you and parents

i’ve talked to several people, the more their parents care about kids feeling, the more they will pay attention on parents even though they grow up and have a busy life. but parents like mine, who seldom give a fuck about my feeling, and mostly emphasize on giving good academic education on me, it’s very hard for me to spend average energy which most of the people do to my parents

i realized that i was being too harsh on my parents because maybe the reason why they don’t know how to love or communicate with me is not their fault but how their parents influenced them. it’s really true after i retrospect about my grandparents characteristic.




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