Imagination is way realistic than you think
i’m still finding a person like me who daydream very often, but often there will be more people like my parents, my brother, my best friend in high school and friends from freshman year university thinks that i am being so unrealistic.
but i disagree, here are the reasons
and please debate me if you disagree, i am seeking for disagreement in this regard
reason1: how many years will our lives be continuing?
human beings have been living on this planet for 12,020. it seems a lot, but considering how unlimited, how potential our universe could generate lives. even though human beings would become extinct next week. it’s very likely that after so many years. there will be more equally even more intelligent creatures like us.
but lets not be so pessimistic today,human life will keep going on , and lets say we would only become extinct in year 24,040. can’t people see how many possibilities/scenarios we could happen in the future?? the thing that we are imagining right now, might now happen now, but might be happening in the future, and even though you are imagining the most peculiar thing, say like you imagine a dolphin balancing an pineapple. are you really certain, it wont happen in the next 10000 years??
on top of that, most of the people who think i am daydreaming but i insist on call it as a thoughts experiment. these people underestimate the potential of how many stories we have already been generated in the past 12,020 years. how can you be so sure that the things you have imagined before, wont be happened in the past without your perception? it might not seem real to you, but it might seem real to others, if others could perceive!
reason2:how many human stories that is happening right now
imagination its a very ambiguous term, anything can be “imagined” but in this can, lets imagined a something more unrealistic , in another word, it’s less likely to happen.
okay i am imagining a construction worker after some years become the boss/head/ceo of a construction company. haha why this example?? there are so many new buildings with workers working on it everyday.
it is unrealistic, because most of the head/ceo/boss require high education, more influential friends, maybe more money. for a worker who earn money only enough for maintain his life, it’s very hard right??
i agree it’s hard but doesnt mean its impossible.
how many construction worker are there on this planets? sooooo many, how many construction workers have died? soooooo many, how many construction workers will be born in the future ?soooo many.
then how can you underestimate the chances of a tiny construction worker become the leader of the company?
not even mention most of the people underestimate how many stories/scenarios/possibilities could be generated by human beings everyday… not even mention we have aliens living in different galaxies…
people who criticize others without empathy are very likely to harm themselves , because people decrease the chances of a great idea being materialized.
for you, it might seem hard to execute/materialize this “daydream”but for me and for some people who has the knowledge, the belief. can have way more better chances to materialize this things. and actually it requires more things than knowledge and belief. courage, perseverance, sacrifice, intelligence, friends, resource, are required, so i wont blame those people who criticize us who think its unrealistic.
albert einstein has several “daydreaming”, but for him is a thought experiment, even though the thing that he is imaging might forever not be materialize
but doesnt mean his imagination or daydream arent beneficial to human society :))
202006 by eric