I want to Learn How to Offend Human Animal

Mengan Yang
3 min readFeb 5, 2021


I want to learn how to offend people properly because I have been living under other’s terms. Because I know my life would be more comfortable, if everyone’s ego is lesser than now, therefore my weird behavior would be less offensive.

Improving one idea at one time is enough — redirect attention from others to myself. Yesterday, I moved into a new house via Couchsurfing, it’s a house filled with 6 human animals. 6 egos.

There will be no problem right now if people’s ego is ideally small. But hell no! Most human’s ego is HUGE AS FUCK! Even in such a utopian community like Couchsurfing, there are still so many human animals who claim they are open-minded(adventurous, willing to accept new things, curious, love to learn). Still, they are absolutely disqualified.

What does this has to do with me?


I pissed off two human animals today(my Couchsurfing host) by entering their room without permission.

If we were open-minded, we won’t be offended by human-animal entering stranger’s rooms, based on the reason that if we accept stranger dogs and cats enter your room, then we should also accept that strangers enter your room without permission.( I know this topic is controversial and probably most people will disagree with me) But my ground is that, if we are really open-minded, in this case, more acceptable to human animals, then what’s the fuss about strangers entering your room without permission. (We make a fuss about it probably because our childhood surroundings brainwashed us)

Although I disagree with myself because the biggest noticeable difference between human animals and dogs, cats is that, we can do more harm than them. It’s certainly true that most living beings don’t want to get killed without permission (that’s why I am trying to become vegetarian, I don’t want to cause suffering on non human animals). However, human animals indeed has more capacity to do more harm than dogs,cats.

Most human-animal(including me) will not let complete strangers to my house. For me, at least I need to have a conversation with a person, I will not just open the door without conversation. Although I can imagine that in some cases, most human animals extend their kindness and help strangers in emergency situations like if someone desperately need a toilet. In another word, we need verification.

But the question immediately appears to me, isn’t Couchsurfing already a verification itself? Otherwise, what’s the point of writing reviews, profile and uploading photos?

If they already accepted me on Couchsurfing, accepted me being their guest,

Then I see no problems with entering personal room without asking.

So, I decided to experiment instead of arguments now.

Here is what I am going to do to try to offend people

  1. Enter personal room without asking(I asked every time previously)
  2. Eat food without asking(just like cat and dog)
  3. do eye exercise, stretch my body in a relatively strange gesture without asking(cat is weird as fuck)
  4. make some noise if I want( sometimes I really want to but I am so afraid people will be scared) ( dogs do it all the time)



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