I think i am a scientist but others dont

Mengan Yang
2 min readJun 16, 2020


Photo by travelnow.or.crylater on Unsplash

why i think i am a scientist

i really like physics, and even though i dont like physics, what scientist mean to me is not about a person who is good at science and make research, its about characteristics like perseverance, passionate, curious about their interest.

people laugh at me calling myself a scientist

not even say my classmates, even my own mom laugh at me

mom: “eric you think youre a scientist?”

me: “yup”

mom: “haha you have bad science grade in high school and youre a lazy person, youre a student eric!”

me: “you dont fucking know me!”

people nowadays, including me still holds A LOT of stereotypes about things. i dont blame us because our knowledge is pretty limited, is pretty hard to update all the information in a short amount of time. so when i tell people “i feel like i am a scientist” people normally would start to generate albert eisten type of image. like

eric you to have big curvy white hair

eric your science grade suck

eric you never go to laboratory

eric how could you call yourself a scientist?

but for me, as long as i have the same traits that a typical scientist should have, and i want to be one, i would rather call myself a scientist even though i am not in others eyes.

we can have our own definition

one of the most valuable things in the last few years is that we could have our own definition on something, ultimately how could we be so sure about the reality that others perceiving is same as mine? and if perception is different, doesnt mean that the characteristic of the things would be different as well? and if characteristic could be subjective and depends on people, and not everyone’s answer is the same, the definition provided by cambridge dictionary should be challenged more often, mostly we have to learn how to understand why people have such a different definition on the same thing.



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