i never thought one day i would want to work in funeral home…

this is how unpredictable life is…

Mengan Yang
3 min readJul 13, 2020
Photo by Jenna Beekhuis on Unsplash

are you those people who keep avoiding their fear? or are you one of the few you want to overcome your fear? do you sometimes feel like you dont want to work like your parents, having the same job for 15 years??

after you read my article, you would instantly overcome(JOKING ), you would have more courage to try something new.

how often do we review our fear??

we all have a lot of fears when we were young. but as we grow up, the more knowledge and experience we would get therefore our fear become lesser and lesser, but there are always some fear left that we rarely face with.

take myself as an example: three of my biggest fear right now is. touching insects, even butterfly. watching horror movie, and fearing of losing control of the conversation or the relationship . i could practice having conversation easily, but to practice watching horror movie, i need to ask suitable people to watch with me, it’s relatively hard.

reviewing our fear its as important as our goal, we even need to update it

most of the “successful” or “motivational speaker”, or TED TALK speaker always emphasize GOAL GOAL GOAL. but fear actually also determine we could achieve our goal or not.

because fear is limitation. limitation is the thing that stop you from achieving something creative. take myself as an example: i have a dream of making porn, funny type of casual porn. but i am fear of once i share my dream to people, people would be angry, or think i am a bad guy.

but the more i introspect, the more i realize. actually the more i share my dream of making porn, the more unqualified closeminded people could be filtered out by me, and there would be more people who would be interested in helping me.

at this moment, sharing my dream of making porn to stranger has no longer be my fear. now my brain could feel the limited constraint has become lesser and lesser, therefore next time when i encounter the same situation again, i could remind myself and update my brain that i am no longer the old coward again.

why do i want to work in funeral house?

@1 it was my fear: i always had problem with darkness, i would cover my head with blanket entirely when i sleep, even when its summer, you know how hot my hometown — taiwan can be. i would use blanket to cover myself entirely to defend myself from “my imagined monster”, i had been so scared by ghost, dead people,zombie…

now that i am a nomad in russia, i even sleep on the street sometimes in russia, but i still have some problem with scary imagination or dark things, thats why i want to directly face with it.

@2 part time job colleague: i was working 7 days before i quit in a restaurant, my colleague was a worker in funeral house, i was so excited and scared at the same time when he accounted how bloody, and how horrible the dead body was, people died out of suicide, car accident, and different kind of thing.

he never motivated me, be he opened the door for me,adding more possibilities to my life by sharing his story with me.

@3 try different aspect of life: the more different experience i could have the more mature i am, WHY? because unless you are cultivating your certain ability, like me writing articles every single day. trying fresh things has more chance to be enlightened.

if i work in funeral home, i could talk to people who believe in spirituality, i could talk to family who lost their member, understand more about our life, about lost. o

in conclusion

@1: in order for us to reach our full potential, identifying what are the fears that would limit us from going forward

@2 : introspect and listen more stories from other in order to stimulate your actions of breaking fear.

eric: dont feel sad if you still cant overcome your fear, try challenging something very small:))



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