How to Filter Out Disqualified Interlocutor in 1 Minute
Naruto: “Do you want to talk to a not-boring human now?”
He/she: “no”
Naruto: “Thank you byebye”
Naruto: “Do you want to talk to a not-boring human now?”
He/she: “sure”
Naruto: “If it’s okay with you, I am curious what did you do yesterday?”
He/she: “I just eat and drink and sleep”
Naruto: “high five! me too! but I do more than that, I do…”
Naruto: “Do you also have some experience of what I do?”
He/she: “I don’t know, maybe no”
Naruto: “Thank you byebye” (most people if they are interested in talking to us, they will try their best to say something special, but if they really cannot say something special, then very likely, they are not a interesting person at this moment too, so just skip them and find next one sitting next to them)
Naruto: “Do you want to a not boring human now?”
He/she: “sure”
Naruto: “If it’s okay with you, I am curious what did you do yesterday?”
He/she: “I don’t know” (instantly replied)
Naruto: “Wow, that’s interesting, were you sleeping all day? or something has happened?” (It’s necessary to try second time)
He/she: “I don’t know, umm, I don’t remember”
Naruto: “Thank you byebye”