Do we REALLY Trust?
In movies, we can see an adult asked a kid to do a task that could save their life understand emergent dangerous situaion like being chased by monsters.
Context is something like:
kid: “ i dont know if i could do it, it’s too hard, im so scared”
adult: “you can do it, i trust you, you can save us, i believe you, go go go, we are running out of time”
Does the adult really trust the kid? Or it’s more like comforting the kid to give him confidence based on faith, based on hope, based on no evidence”
Very often people said assertively: “I trust you” not because they really trust, it’s because they want to make something work. It works similar with “I love you”, does that mean your boyfriend, wife, husband really “love” you? or it’s more like they dont want to hurt your feeling or they want to get some benefit from saing “I love you”?
Therefore, It’s better to trust ourselves rather than rely on others, it’s futile to ask confirmation from others when others know less than us.
(I realized i am planting a big bomb over here that might leads a lot of readers in confusion or wrong path)
I dont mean we should not trust each other, i actually think it’s beneficial to trust each other even strangers.
I mean, Trust, should be based on evidence, no matter you trust or dont trust that your money to homeless guy would increase the amount of goodness in the universe, or you don’t trust or trust that homeless guy would use your money in your definition of good way.
We all should know what we are trusting for?
In this case, even though my money to homeless guy was used on buying drugs or alcohol, I still trust my actions are good, because I do it not because I trust strangers homeless guy is going to use this money for buying books or buying healthy food for themselves, but i still do it because i trust my behavior is a unit of goodness to the universe, and the more goodness the universe receive the better our environment would become.