What is the point of having parties?
place: russian high school host’ house
situation: quarantine
intro: its my first time having parties, ive never had one in taiwan( my hometown) because of culture and family background. i had a chance to join two different traits of parties in 1 week.
smoke/alcohol situation: i only drink like 5 times and smoke once in taiwan. only in russia, people keep inviting me to drink
smoking and alcohol party
at the very beginning, i can feel the vibe/traits created by people is very different from mine. to be more specific, people discuss about alcohol and music, and shaking their head together when music is playing.
i dont know what is the purpose of discussing music…except if people discuss music for improving themselves.
alcohol is the same thing, the entertainment is from the liquid taste right? could conversation about alcohol create entertainment? considering our life is so diverse, i would say is possible.
shaking head: i do agree it could create happiness. i often do it when i really enjoy the music, i would move so many parts of my body. BUT they are shaking all together!! how could it possible that everyone has the same taste of the same music, and all be entertained at the same time??
i am pretty sure one of the reason why everyone would do the same things, even though they dont feel the same is because of conditioning or getting used to normalization. to be more specific, most of the people feel uncomfortable when they are doing different things from the majority. i also feel certain degree of discomfort as well, although i know my situation is way better than my surrounding, meaning, i have more courage and habit to do different things when i really want to do different things. i am still practicing though, for example, i should do more of my eye exercise in public more often, but i was very scared of doing it because it looks pretty weird?
less conversation: the major reason why i dont enjoy this party is because my surroundings are focusing on using phone, smoking and drinking. ive tried to talk to some russian high school students, but my russian is still not so good for high engagement conversation, afterall, i am one of the reason why i dont enjoy it:)) but to be honest, during the rest of the party, i never seen people have conversation longer than 3 minutes.
loud music: i know so many people like loud music, but i really dont like it because, its very hard for me to have conversation with people
dark background: if i understand correctly, people want to get a bit drunk, want to lose self control, and do some unusual things without embarrassing themselves? for me, people over rely on dark light in order to do certain things, i would rather speak out my voice even its in public and with light. asking ” embarrassing” question
“ would you like to have sex with me?”
christian party
more conversation: i am so amazed that 5 people is having discussion at the same time about something i dont know!( my russian is till not good). to be honest, i think this is not a discussion! i think its even better! its a person account what had happened recently on him, and how god had helped them!i am so amazed that the rest of the 4 people giving so much attention on a single person, as opposed to facing with phone.
playing guitar and singing: it is so funny and cool for me that IN EVERY GROUP/MEETING OF CHRISTIAN must have a person who play guitar! and i really like people singing while facing with one another, the high engagement:)) on the contrary, most of the music that night club would play, are “ lyrics-meaningless”. for example, like music with more beats” donnn tssss donnn tssss” , eg: gucci gang like lil pump. but i prefer music like gucci hang (remix) by Joyner lucas.
drinking juice but not alcohol: but from this time i have realized that i am longer interested in sugar based drinks, but prefer pure tea or water.
in conclusion, i prefer a meaningful high engagement activity, rather than a bunch of people focusing on an external thing.
which kind of party can create more happiness for you??
202005by eric