A Short Story Explain We Have Little Free Will

Dont draw the conclusion too fast before we contemplate…

Mengan Yang
3 min readJun 16, 2020

Masha and Lesha is the two kids who live with me.

trouble: masha was hurt

possible reason cause masha hurt: @she was vulnerable, why? @stas called them @i put my stuff on the floor trapped masha

Story without deep thoughts

Masha fell off from bed by herself since she didn’t catch the balance. Her toe got hurt because her legs didnt standstill on the floor. Masha moaned because her toe is painful.

Lesha yelled because he saw her sister got hurt :

“Eric, what the fuck did you do, you grab her causing her pain”

I was angry because I felt being misunderstood. I told Lesha

” I am going to delete your favorite game on my ipad now”, Lesha then said “okay its not your fault”

Story with deep thoughts

Masha fell of from my bed because of two possible reasons

@masha was in a rush because her mom called her

@My backpack is right next to the bed and she stood on my backpack instead of floor

Masha moaned, there are two possible reason that masha moaned

@ Masha was too vulnerable because of how her parents raise her up, always comfort her whenever she felt slight pain

@ Masha wanted attention because this is the principle of the universe(universe), every creatures want attention

Lesha yelled because of two possible reasons

@ Lesha has limited interpretations, he only see I was moving my hands when Masha fell off, but he didnt know is Masha might be in a rush and she didnt feel the backpack on the floor

@ Lesha was being taught by TV show, and Youtube, whenever people got hurt we would yell

Lesha blamed on me because of two possible reasons

@ Lesha think I’m the only adult in the bedroom, therefore i have the responsibility to make sure no one got hurt

@ Lesha was being “taught” by environment whenever something bad potentially could be caused by us, we immediately try to get rid of it by blaming others,or using Psychological projection on others.

Story with even deeper thoughts:

It was their mom’s responsibility that Masha got hurt because she is the person who call Masha.


conclusion 2: so now i know that everyone’s opinion is correct in their own angle, how to utilize this valuable idea? the answer is , it all depends on our goal. if our goal is to persuade others to do what i think, then you probably need to emphasize more on why you are more right than others, on the other hand, if your goal is to make others feel better, you could even tell white lies saying, you are complete wrong. but among these goals, only i realize the bigger picture , i could have multiple options.

story with super deep thoughts(root):

@the reason why i allow kids to play my ipad when their mom alina not allowed is because in my childhood, i felt like my feelings has been ignored a lot

@the reason why kids are still being so egocentric is probably caused by their parent, and their parent caused by their environment.

final conclusion:we could have zero free will if we consider in a way that environment shape us to behave accordingly, but of course we have a lot of options in a specific kind of environment, that’s why some people think we have free will


Everyone is responsible for the event that happened, therefore, focus on solving the problem instead of taking too personally.



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